Tom Cruise to shoot in space with Elon Musk’s SpaceX

Tom Cruise to shoot in space with Elon Musk’s SpaceX

Now latest we are hearing regarding Tom Cruise movies is that the actor and Elon Musk's space X are chipping away at an undertaking with NASA that would be the principle feature film, an action adventure to be shot in space. It is not Mission: Impossible film and no studio is in the blend at this stage. This is genuine, but in the beginning phase of liftoff.

Mission: Impossible fallout' took a break, truly when he broke his lower leg in jump from one housetop to the next and he additionally swung from a helicopter, he dangled from the side of stream plane during departure in Mission: Impossible rouge Nation,  and in Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol he scaled the Burj Khalifa, the Dubai's high rise and executed tricks 123 floors up. He is careful in setting up these tricks he does, which are terrifying just to watch.

There has never been a main man (Jackie Chan may debate this) who puts himself in danger as frequently as Tom Cruise, for realistic action. 

Tom Cruise 2020 thrilling news is that if the star is successful shooting a project in Musk's space ship, he will be first in the world to make this happen. Tom Cruise age as of now is 58 years and so far he going to be the first actor to enter his name in Hollywood Record books for shooting in spaceX. 

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